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Code of Ethics/Requirements

Please carefully read through this document and if you agree to abide by the terms listed in this document you will need to download the application for Licensing from this website.

1. You must be at least twenty-one years of age to apply for a License, Certificates, Endorsements or Degrees.

2. You must have, or be willing to receive the necessary Education to have Licenses, Certificates, Endorsements, or Degrees. We have a very affordable online Bible School to help you with this if needed If you already have a degree or Certificates from a Bible College or School, you will need to send them to us along with your application for Licensing. We will verify all info sent to us.

3. You will be required to submit to us an annual report of what you’re doing in Ministry.

4. You will be under the accountability of this Ministry Organization while you hold a license with us.

5. You must never abuse the Licensing Credentials that have been entrusted to you by this Ministry Organization

6. You must hold yourself to the highest Christian standards in all of your behavior since you are representing Christ to the world. (Gal 5:22, Phil 4:8)

7. You must be an active member in a Church Ministry.

8. You must have an active prayer life and be committed to diligently study the scriptures.

9. You must be willing to continue to educate yourself so you’re always prepared to serve the Lord in your calling.

10. You must be committed to good financial stewardship, being honest and ethical in all of your financial dealings.

11. You must pay your annual dues to this ministry in a timely manner.

If you agree to this Code of ethics/requirements,

sign & submit a copy to be placed in your file.

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